Thursday, December 29, 2011


Some thoughts, as the year 2011 comes to a close:

1) I really like working with refugees
2) I love how much French I'm getting to speak this year
3) Canada me manques beaucoup...
4) I need a band to jam with on drum set
5) I need a group to jam with on vibraphone
6) If I could find a way to work with refugees in the nonprofit sector, while teaching percussion lessons and doing gigs on the side, and somehow spending summers in Québec...I would be very satisfied with my career and life choice.
7) I still don't like cold weather because I can't do as many awesome outdoor activities

Don't know where my life is heading, but I like the way all the puzzle pieces are slowly fitting together. My time in Alma, the summer vibraphone workshop, music education, percussion, the French language, my love for volunteering, my interest in different cultures, the trip to the United Nations and meeting Frankie from WorldFaith, my creativity, my passion for teaching...the pieces are beginning to fit a bit...