Friday, September 17, 2010

student teaching begins...

So...haven't written on here in awhile...

I'm watching an advisory class at my student teaching placement right now, having not much to do. Yay. (I've been busy; this is just a random moment of free time).

I'm still looking into volunteering to teach abroad next year. Student teaching is okay, but I really don't think I want to become a band teacher. I just don't care about how to maintain non-percussion instruments, conduct a band, etc. I'm doing all of it now of course, and my cooperating teacher seems to think I'm great, but this isn't 100% for me. I still think I would rather teach something like general music...or teach in French in some place other than here.

I've been trying to find out how to apply for a Fulbright scholarship so I can afford to go teach in New Zealand or somewhere next year, but finding information is proving to be more difficult than I thought. If anyone would like to share a tidbit of helpful info with me, feel free!

Ok...probably should get back to watching this class lol...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Quebec me manque

I miss Quebec. I miss Alma. I miss tout le monde, and I miss speaking French!!!

I miss it all. I miss everything, and everyone. I miss it all so much that I'm sitting here, sweating on the floor of my dorm room, listening to la musique québécoise, trying trying trying to understand everything, wishing I could be hearing it where it was made. Ohhhhh I miss Quebec. You know that feeling you get when you're about to cry? I get that feeling so much when I think about Quebec, and all the wonderful people I met there, and all the amazing things we did. Why did that 5-week dream have to end? I love my life, but I miss Quebec...

What if I'm not meant to become a music teacher here? What if I'm supposed to become fluent in French, move to Quebec, and teach English? Or music? Can I please have French back in my life? And the québécois traditions? I never thought I'd say this, but I miss wearing a flowing skirt. I miss jamming on my harmonica at a fire, dancing the traditional dances, going for a walk after dinner, sitting on the porch studying French while eating crème yogourt, riding a bike and swimming in the lake, and SPEAKING FRENCH. I need to find someone to talk hear French, to speak French, to learn French. I wish I could just...make it all come back. Stay for another five weeks? Five months? Can I please do something? I think about it all so often...can I have Quebec back?