Thursday, June 17, 2010

Proche de la fin...

Previous phrase du jour:
Il y a beaucoup des choses cette semaine! Je suis très occupée.
There are a lot of things (happening) this week! I am very busy.

Well...right now we're trés proche de la fin du programme (very close to the end of the program). I just finished a post-examen to compare my progress from the beginning of the program til now. Last night was the final spectacle (the final student performance). Everyone rocked. I played vibraphone for the percussion ensemble and jazz ensemble, traditional quèbècois percussion for a chorale group, les batterie for Amanda's group, and xylophone for the traditional full ensemble pieces. Playing with Amanda's group made me want to play with her and Eva at Toronto even more (here's the song we played: Pourquoi). Not fair :( Anyway, everyone rocked and it was a great night.

Everything is winding down. Today was the last day of French class; tonight is the last potluck dinner. I just handed in my cuillières and returned Le Petit Prince à la bibliotheque (library). I also handed in my Bischerelle, the most wonderful grammar book I've ever had to use. Lisa already had to pack up and leave. You can tell we're close to the end, because that bittersweet end-of-the-year feeling is everywhere. It's strange because unlike at the end of a schoolyear, most of us probably won't see each other after this program is over, and everyone knows it. Tomorrow is the big going-away dinner, and as sappy as it sounds, I'm sure there will be tons of tears. I am definitely going to miss tout le monde (everyone); we definitely need to make the most of these last two days...

Mot du jour: Pourquoi.
Why? Because the song rocks and because it's an appropriate mot. Pourquoi do we have to leave so soon???

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the great blog updates these past 5 weeks! :)
